
Showing posts from December, 2014

My Life With Polio (Part 1)

Today was a weird day at work. It was relatively normal as far as work goes, however I was feeling a little strange. It had been a very trying week both for me and Brenda. Life is tough sometimes. I was going about making backups, updating firewalls, and installing software. Just trying to tie up odds and ends. I had a few minutes waiting for a DVD backup to finalize, so I thought I would check out Facebook. Nothing much going on there, I decided to check out Tumblr. I love photos, especially old ones. As I was viewing the vintage photos on my dashboard, I saw one that blew me away. I mean, it made me stop everything I was doing. At that point I just had to stop and take a walk outside. Now, I've had polio since I was a little over a year old (as of 2014, over 58 years). So, I've gotten used to living with it and the displeasure,  pain, suffering and inconvenience it causes. But for some reason, the photo I saw really hit home. I have my medical records from when they first s

A Year Living With Monique. Is the Honeymoon Over?

August 2014 makes a year since I took possession of the Monique by Jule rack preamp. I have used Monique through a Crest ProLITE 2.0 and two Aguilar GS112 cabs for every gig played in the past year. Recently I switched to AudioKinesis Hathor 1203 cabs. Playing my regular theater gig, a few outdoor events, and a few events at different venues. Enough time has passed, and enough playing time under my belt that I feel it is time to revisit the Monique Preamp. As of the last gig, Monique is still just as awesome as it was when I first purchased it. In fact, it is better. I guess I should say, I have learned to use it better. Monique really hasn't changed! I must be honest. When I first took possession of Monique, it took time for me to get used to her. I had spent the last five years playing through a Thunderfunk. Totally different animals. Out of the box it sounded great, I just had to spend some time with her and learn how to dial my tone in. Probably my biggest hurdle was the Se