Being Proactive versus Reactive
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow" . It actually seems as if this is a way of life for many people. Of course, this is a partial quote from Aaron Burr: "Never do today what you can as well do tomorrow, because something may occur to make you regret your premature action" . In today's world, I see many people simply reacting to every event that occurs in their life. As a result, they make many mistakes, do a job just well enough to get by and are in a constant state of turmoil. This is sad, and mostly preventable. Why do so many people react to life instead of being proactive? There are many reasons, but I think fear is one of the main reasons people find themselves constantly behind the eight ball. Now, before you conjure up thought of me being a "workaholic" or "anal retentive", let me explain. I actually agree with the second part of the above Aaron Burr quote (to a degree). One needs to be as proactive as possible wi...